Just as with other types of aquatic plants. the growth of stem plants varies depending on the type of substrate. Although there are some exceptions for certain species of plants, stem plants generally grow faster in a substrate system that uses Aqua Soil compared to using gravel substrate, such as River Sand, or other types of Inert Gravels gravel.
Aqua Soil contains rich organic acids which promote the growth of plant roots as well as various nutrients including nitrogen and trace elements. In Aqua Soil, stem plants develop their roots and start growing promptly after being planted. Some people might think that roots are not that important for stem plants as they absorb nutrients through the leaves. However, as a matter of fact, stem plants are unable to grow vigorously unless their stems are planted in the substrate an their roots start growing from nodes. Stem plants can be grown by cutting and replanting the stem. In this case, the plant needs to be replanted with its terminal bud side up and the opposite node side (the portion from which the roots grow) down for its healthy growth. This way of replanting promotes the growth of terminal buds and the development of roots from the bottom part of the plant buried in the substrate by the natural effects of plant hormones When a plant is planted in the Aqua Soil substrate, the plant grows faster as the active ingredients contained in natural soil promote the root development and nutrient absorption. In contrast, gravel substrate contain no active ingredients that help the growth of stem plants. This is why there is a difference in the growth rate of plants between Aqua Soil and gravel substrates
For your information, ordinary stem plants sold in shops need to be planted carefully with pincettes. After being planted in the substrate, stem plants start growing in a few days. To achieve the healthy growth of stem plants, nutrients are a significant factor along with light and CO2. Stem plants vigorously take up the nutrients including nitrogen and phosphate contained in the water, and these nutrients leach out of the substrate which has been set up using Aqua Soil and Substrate in combination during the initial stage of the aquarium.