I built my first aquascape in 2014. Plants used was mainly Riccia, Christmas moss and windelov java fern. Since it was my first built scape, lot of challenges and lot of learning has gone through while making it. It won a regional award at TGIAC.
This scape is a forest scene. Woods used in this scape is from “LICCHI” tree. Woods were treated properly.Foreground plant used was marsilea hirsuta. Other plants used were mainly moss. It won a regional award at TGIAC.
This scape is a forest scene. The tank Dimension was 30*18*15 inches.Mainly a moss oriented scape, with few other plants used too. It won a regional award at TGIAC.
This scape is a mountain scape. The tank Dimension was 30*18*15 inches.Rocks were collected locally.The main challenge was to maintain the elevation of the scape, so that it does not fall flat with time. To create the elevation I have used garden soil at the bottom, toped up with aqua soil.A main plant used was Monte carlo,with few other plants too. It won the 3rd Prize at TGIAC.
These scapes are forest scenes. Tank dimension for both the scapes are 24*15*15 Inches. Since it was a small tank, choosing the proper size woods to match the scale was a challenge.Plants used were fissidens fontanus,Christmas moss, few stem plants of Rotala Variety at the Background. Other plants are mainly HC, Buce, hair grass etc. In both the scape Cosmetic sand is used to replicate a path
In the year 2020 I tried to make a Brazilian scape with lots of Stem plants. Plants used are Rotala rotundifolia green, Rotala Rotundifolia “Pink”, Rotala Rotundifolia orange juice, Rotala Rotundifolia hi-red, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Micranthemum ‘Monte Carlo’, Staurogyne Brown, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Pogostemon helferi, Cryptocoryne parva, Riccia flutians, Needle Fern, Eleocharis Parvula, Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, Cryptocoryne Spiralis “Tiger”, Ranunculus inundatus, Flame moss. Tank dimension is 120*60*45 cm. Main challenge was to give proper shape to the Stem plants with regular pruning. Maintenance of such scape is always a challenge. Rock used was seriyu. Fishes in this scape is Neon tetra. This scape won a regional (Haryana) award at TGIAC
This scape was made in a tank with dimension 120*60*45 cm. Since the tank size was big, two canister filter were used to clean up the water with adequate water movements on all the areas. Plants used were Vallisneria nana, Vallisneria sp. Gigantea, Vallisneria spiralis ‘Tiger, Cyperus helferi, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Rotala wallichii, Ludwigia red rubin, Ludwigia repens, Ludwigia sp. Weinrot, staurogyne purple, Cryptocoryne spiralis ‘Tiger’, Cryptocoryne parva, Pogostemon Helferi, Sagittaria subulata, Micro Tenellus, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Eleocharis parvula, Micranthemum ‘Monte Carlo’, Ranunculus inundates, Flame Moss (Taxiphyllum ‘Flame’), Fissidens fontanus.Fishes in this scape used was Rummy-nose tetra.
I have also participated in various International Aquascaping competitions like IAPLC, AGA, IIAC etc.