Tips to resolve the Phosphate deficiency
1) Good ferts with available Phosphates
2) Look for the early deficiency signs(comes with practice and routine observation)
3) Observe the difference between healthy and affected plants
4) Do not add Phosphates with Calcium supplements simultaneously
5) Maintain Optimum pH level 5.5-7.O
6) Optimum Phosphate level 0.5-1.5 ppm
7) Periodically monitor the phosphate level using test kits. During the Initial phase do a test Phosphate test everyday. As Phosphates tend to get absorbed quickly
8) Maintain GH > KH (max 4)
9) Kits required (GH, KH, and Phosphate), product like AquaVascular P Boost to regulate P level
10) Correlate with similar deficiency symptoms like CO2, K & Mn