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A100 Flamingo ’20 Notes

1 min read

The picture features a tank that is around 2 years old (as of Dec 2022), with no change in substrate. This tank showcases the use of APT Jazz to continually rejuvenate substrate over long periods.


1- Rotala ‘blood red SG’, 2- Bacopa salzmannii, 3- Rotala tulunadensis, 4- Ludwigia arcuata, 5- Bucephalandra ‘kedagang’, 6- Blyxa japonica, 7- Cryptocoryne ‘flamingo’, 8- Lobelia cardinalis


TANK SIZE: 60x30x36cm / 50L

CO2 DIFFUSER: Inline atomizer

LIGHT: LEDs tested to be suitable based on the basis of light strength (PAR) and spectrum: ADA Solar RGB / Chihiros VIVID 2 / Twinstar S Series / Week Aqua A430. Important: Quality, safety, reliability and ease-of-use varies considerably across the above brands. We have the privilege of using / testing many 3rd party brands but this does not constitute an endorsement of any particular brand. 

FILTER: The tank uses an Oase Biomaster 350 (1000L/hr rated filter with actual average water flow rate of ~300L/Hr)- 6X tank volume.


Aquasoil with APT Start
APT Jazz: 18 caps every 2 months
APT SKY: 5g in 30L of new water / wk
APT 3: 1.5ml daily

What is APT Start?

APT Start provides substrate enrichment with beneficial bacteria. This product has been in R&D phase and will be available in Q1 2023.

What is standard aquasoil?

This include most brands of aquasoil (compressed soil granules). Brands that we typically use include ADA, Dennerle, Tropica, Platinum etc. This is distinct from inert substrates (sand, rocks) and branded enriched inert substrates. For a detailed article on substrate types, read here.


CO2: 25ppm
KH: 0.5
pH: 5.8
GH: 7
TDS: 120
Temp: 23.8 Celsius

The measurements shown are average readings. It is possible for some parameters to deviate from the above and still be OK.


The A100 System

The 2Hr Aquarist A100 is a tank setup and lifecycle management that integrates hardware, software, water parameters and plant husbandry to enable thriving, enduring aquascapes. An online course on this system (and others) will be available soon.


I’m a beginner- is this A100 for me?

While it is easy to set up the system according to the hardware and software specifications, it is another matter to (a) achieve the desired state (b) keep it that way in an enjoyable way. This A100 includes the Crypt flamingo as its centrepiece. It is a challenging plant for beginners, and essential to use APT SKY.

I’m interested to find out more / learn!

We are in the process of developing online courses for different tank systems. Look out for them. In the meantime, feel free to explore the wealth of resources already available on this site.

A100 Lobelia

Above: A one year-old A100 ‘Lobelia’ above. The aquasoil has not been changed since setup, but repeatedly rejuvenated with APT Jazz every ~2 months.