Dosing regime in a newly setup planted tank
1. Add Kalrich (Potassium) everyday to restore the potassium.
2. For the first week there is no need of Macro elements..
3. Dose Micro fertilizer twice a week.
4. Add PGR-1 & 2 on 3 days of interval (not simultaneously)
5. Waterchange recommend twice a week, to be followed for 2-3 weeks
6. Optional – add Aquarevive 8-10 drops only (useful the tanks having higher KH & non-CO2 setup also it helps to control fungus growing over driftwood
7. Those who are using RO water would need to maintain General Hardness (GH) when setting up a tank with stem plants/a Dutch Style tank as stem plants demand more of calcium and magnesium. Stem plants are prone to melt down quickly in low General Hardness (GH) conditions.
8. GH recharge to be used with gH measurement ( AquaVascular GH test kit)
9. To get the desired GH post waterchange, GH recharge is ideal for RO water remineralization. It is best to avoid using any phosphate-containing fertilisers on the same day because they react with calcium.