The substrate suitable for growing general types of aquatic plants can be made just by sprinkling substrate additives such as Bacter
100 onto the bottom of the tank and then pouring Aqua Soil-Amazonia II. The substrate so made is sufficient in the case where the layout together with the substrate is to be remade almost on an annual basis. If you wish to maintain the layout for a long period, which is one of the best parts of Nature Aquarium, or want to use any plants which vigorously absorb nutrients through their roots such as Cryptocoryne and Echinodorus, it is recommended for you to put some Power Sand under the substrate. Power Sand contains rich organic nutrients which will be consumed by bacteria as a food source, and the decomposed organic matters will become the nutrients to be absorbed by the aquatic plants through their roots. Porous volcanic stones, the base material of Power Sand, have a very uneven surface where organic nutrients are trapped. This characteristic attracts and grows bacteria for a long time on the Power Sand.
Some other features of these porous stones include relatively large grain size and irregular shapes, which help prevent clogging and ensure smooth water circulation even when these stones are placed at the very bottom of the tank which is subjected to the highest hydraulic pressure. These features of Power Sand make it an essential substrate material for longterm maintenance of the layout particularly in a large aquarium tank. The most basic substrate structure for Nature Aquarium is the combination of this Power Sand, various substrate additives and Aqua Soil-Amazonia. Try this cornbination for the layout you wish to maintain for a long time. You will certainly feel the astonishing speed of growth of aquatic plants and their roots spreading.